Koroyo the Molbak

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In a distant future (the year 5555), in a small isolated galaxy named Zurk, specifically on the planet Noezia, a family arrived, the Astrika family. This family consisted of 55 beings from another planet within this small galaxy. All were very tall, with some measuring up to 5 meters. The inhabitants of Noezia, on the other hand, averaged 2.5 meters in height. These advanced beings came to assist Noezia by the order of Kolus, the leader of this charming little galaxy.

But let's go back a bit... A few months earlier, about thirty Molbak creatures, beings whose sole mission was to sow chaos across all galaxies, infiltrated among the inhabitants. Before their arrival, Noezia was a calm planet, far from galactic conflicts. The Molbaks had the ability to be shapeshifters, making it easy for them to blend in with the Noezians. They also knew how to control and modify sound frequencies with their minds.

The Noezians were particularly fond of partying and were well-known for it. They spent most of their time dressing up and consuming non-harmful hallucinogenic drugs while listening to funk rock. The drugs allowed them to transcend and develop certain abilities such as invisibility, gravity control, teleportation, telekinesis, etc. The abilities varied for each being. So, they were often drugged, busy working on their abilities. Noezia was also a planet of learning, attracting beings from other planets in the galaxy to work on their abilities.

Kolus, the galaxy's leader, had never had any issues with the Noezians, which is why he granted them a lot of freedom. He knew they were independent and harmless. Besides, he had so much to do elsewhere that he rarely visited them.

When the Molbaks arrived, they used the music frequencies to sow chaos and lower the vibrations of the Noezians, causing them to lose their abilities and regress. But this happened gradually, without anyone noticing, let's not forget they were shapeshifters. Over the months, one of the Molbaks, Koroyo, formed a bond with Ataya, a dreamlike creature, a being endowed with unconditional and pure love. Ataya had not used drugs for over a hundred years; she watched over the Noezians and the apprentices, which had become her mission. The more Koroyo spent time with her, the more he questioned his mission. It became impossible for him to silence his doubts and return to reason, even though he knew his mission by heart... One day, he decided he wanted it to stop. The affection he felt for Ataya became too strong for him to continue sowing chaos on her planet. He decided to reveal everything to her. Koroyo then fled, knowing the Molbaks would soon discover his betrayal.

Ataya hurried to inform Kolus. The Noezians had already regressed a bit due to listening to low-frequency funk rock. However, they hadn't even noticed because the process was very slow and they were busy getting high. They had been stagnating for months, but if they continued to listen to these frequencies, they would eventually lose access to all their abilities. Ataya herself hadn't noticed anything, thinking it was due to the effects of the last full moon.

It was at this moment that the Astrikas arrived. They knew how to teleport and had the unique power to perceive beings as they truly were. They had an internal radar that allowed them to scan up to 555 meters around them. It was therefore easy for them to spot the intruders and help drive them out of Noezia, which actually only took a few hours.

Koroyo returned a few months later, found and invited back by dear Kolus. He chose to become a Noezian and spent his eternity by Ataya's side...

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